Monday, 4 March 2013

Mark of the Beast?

   If you're at all familiar with the book of Revelation, you oughta be concerned with the RFID thing that may be happening in the U.S. From what I'm reading across the web there is nothing really definite about the microchip prospect either being true or false. On one site I read that the bill HR3200 was only a rough draft,and not passed yet. On another it states that it was non-discussed and passed back when  Obamacare was passed. However, apparently Ron Paul (One of the guys who got rid of that Computer thing which would have restricted copyright to American linked companies.) discussed this topic and the story is on the web. I myself, think well of Ron Paul (For the computer thing) and know that the topic has been brought up by many people. Heres the link to a more informative site, but still possibly just conjecture.
    Now then, whether this is just a leaked rough draft, or really going on, if any of this is true it clearly states the intent of the government, and it seems that they intend to disregard the warnings of Jesus and go ahead (Whether its in a month or a few years) with distributing this miniature slave collar. This is just a thought but, if Jesus had not told us that this mark would be evil, it would be one of the biggest tech breakthroughs ever. The set date for the beginning of either the distribution of chips or a vote on the matter is March 23 2013. If anything indeed happens (even if its a vote and it is ousted) it will be clear as to where the world is heading, and it will be time to get out of first world countries and head somewhere where you can be self sufficient and utilize the barter system.
   I hope that this post helps somebody out there God bless.  

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