Monday, 22 April 2013

Week 11

Sorry but im only gonna be in class for one or two days this week so i only have to say that we are working on our e portfolios and a bunch of videos.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Week 10

So now im really getting into the e portfolio. I got my Index page done and now im just trying to figure out how to create new pages without creating new sites. Other than that everything happens to be honky dory. Actually now that I think about it, I really dont know how to do buttons. I took this last year but Im not really remembering hyperlinks and stuff... I hope that Mr.V puts more help videos on web design, so far they have been extremely helpful. Now pardon me while I jam to the oldies while figuring out web design catch ya later people!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Week 9

Hey everybody now my class is working on e portfolios. Im a bit rusty in this area but i have got a awesome Home page designed already so im pretty happy. You know I find that classic rock is the best   for feel good music. Two best are Rama Lama Ding Dong and Who put the Bomp. They stimulate creativity and are extremely good for stress relief. Now im going back to design the rest of my e portfolio so guys and gals cya in week 10!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Week 8

Nothing can shake my spirits this week. I  have beaten Dark Souls and found the end game soundtracks which are beautiful. Oh man Dark Souls was a challenge and I feel an inexplainable amount of satisfaction and sense of personal worth for completing a video game. I plan to do quite a bit this week including thinking of ideas for my e-portfolio. (Most likely will have to do with Dark Souls) Yeah! Im gonna make an awesome e portfolio and all the while listening to awesome music. Until the for any sunbros out their Praise the Sun! Solaire rest in peace.

Week 7

Sorry everybody this is a little late. I've been quite busy with things and have not found the time to do a blog so this is a makeup post. Well week seven is turning out to be a pretty bad week. My personal life is turning upside down inside out. My world is also changing, possible war in Korea, outlawing of guns in the US. Stress is bearing down on me. If the US goes to war with North Korea than will we? What happens if the gun restriction law passes in the US. Civil unrest? There could be a possible civil war in the US and that is right beside Canada. What happens if in the future the US becomes oppressive and tyrannical how will people stand up to the government. What happens if certain religious prophecy comes to pass? All of this seems to be coming to a climax. Our world a staging ground for the ultimate play of all time. This is effecting my schooling... Im not paying attention and Im getting grey hairs. (Literally)