Monday, 8 April 2013

Week 7

Sorry everybody this is a little late. I've been quite busy with things and have not found the time to do a blog so this is a makeup post. Well week seven is turning out to be a pretty bad week. My personal life is turning upside down inside out. My world is also changing, possible war in Korea, outlawing of guns in the US. Stress is bearing down on me. If the US goes to war with North Korea than will we? What happens if the gun restriction law passes in the US. Civil unrest? There could be a possible civil war in the US and that is right beside Canada. What happens if in the future the US becomes oppressive and tyrannical how will people stand up to the government. What happens if certain religious prophecy comes to pass? All of this seems to be coming to a climax. Our world a staging ground for the ultimate play of all time. This is effecting my schooling... Im not paying attention and Im getting grey hairs. (Literally)

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